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6th and Subsequent Offenses

Jail Time

  • Class C Felony; 3 to 6 years in jail.
  • Mandatory sentence of 150 days.


  • $3,000 – $15,000 + $100 special assessment

License Revocation

  • 8 years; eligible for restricted license with ignition interlock device if all other qualifications are met.
  • Ignition interlock device must be installed and maintained for 365 consecutive days with no “lock ups” during the last 120 days before license can be reinstated.

Additional Consequences

  • Alcohol/Drug Assessment is required if previously convicted of DUI within 5 years. Must undergo treatment if appropriate.
  • The court may require completion of an in-patient alcohol rehabilitation program, with up to 28 days jail credit.
  • An automobile used in the commission of a second or subsequent offense of DUI is subject to seizure and Vehicle Forfeiture upon arrest by the Tennessee Department of Safety.

     Court may require:

  • “Transdermal monitoring” (ankle bracelet);
  • Electronic monitoring with random alcohol and/or drug testing;
  • GPS monitoring; or
  • Any other type of monitoring

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