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The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides the right to bear arms. Recently there has been a lot of litigation surrounding the limitations which can be set on this right set upon it by both state and federal law. Tennessee has some of the most extensive and complex gun laws in the country. To add to this complexity, gun laws not only differ from state to state but they are also enforced differently from municipality to municipality.
At Knox Defense, our attorneys understand that the smallest detail may be the difference between the dismissal of gun charges and many years of a mandatory jail sentence. Successfully defending a gun charge requires a lawyer who understands how to mount a defense based both on the constitutional rights and based on the unique facts of each case. If you are faced with any type of gun or weapon violation in East Tennessee, it is imperative to seek legal advice from an experienced criminal defense attorney. Our knowledgeable attorneys at Knox Defense have more than 75 years of combined experience in defending our citizens against gun charges in both federal and state courts.
Common Gun and Weapon Crimes
While there are many different types of weapon violations a person could be charged with, the most common types of gun and weapon violations include:
- Illegal possession of a weapon with the intent to go armed
- Illegal possession of a weapon by a convicted felon
- Possession of an illegal weapon
- Possessing or employing a weapon during the commission of a dangerous felony
- Possession of a weapon while under the influence
- Illegally dealing, selling, or gifting weapons
- Possession of a gun or other weapon, such as a knife, on an airplane or in an airport
Defenses for Gun and Weapon Charges
Determining the best possible defense strategy for your specific case will depend on the actual charge you receive and the investigation of the facts and circumstances involved. The severity of the offense will depend on the charge and type of weapon involved. Penalties for gun crimes can range from a Class A Misdemeanor to a Class B Felony.
An experienced attorney can help you determine the best course of action for your defense. If a weapons offense is accompanied by another criminal charge, such as robbery, drug trafficking, assault, or even murder, it is even more critical that you work with an experienced attorney to guide you skillfully throughout the defense process so that all of your available options are thoroughly explored.
Consequences of Gun and Weapon Convictions
Violations of gun and weapons laws are serious and should not be taken lightly. Similar to other Tennessee criminal violations, violations of gun laws come with far-reaching consequences. Being convicted of any crime in Tennessee will greatly limit future opportunities for employment, housing, and aid, not to mention your ability to own and possess firearms in the future.
At Knox Defense, our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to defend against the weapon charges you are faced with in both federal and state courts. We will evaluate the charges against you and build a solid defense for the best possible outcome. Our attorneys know the consequences you are faced with and will aggressively fight for your rights inside and outside of the courtroom. We have decades of experience in regaining the rights and freedoms of our clients.
Whether you have been charged with a gun or weapon crime, or are under investigation for a weapon violation in East Tennessee, it is critical that you immediately seek the assistance of a qualified and experienced criminal defense attorney. We are Knox Defense. Call us today for a free, confidential consultation at (865) 269-9926, or complete our online form to start the process.

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