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Second Offense DUI in Tennessee
Your first DUI in Tennessee is a serious offense, with many serious consequences. If you are arrested for a second DUI within 10 years of your first arrest, you face...

DUI by Consent in TN
DUI by consent, also known as DUI by proxy, in the state of Tennessee is a driving under the influence law that charges the owner or passenger of a vehicle...

The Far-Reaching Impact of a Felony Conviction
A felony conviction, even for a non-violent offense, can drastically alter your life. Many people are unaware of the extensive collateral effects that come with such a conviction. Understanding these...

Tennessee Implied Consent Law
When you see the dreaded flashing lights behind you, one of the things you need to think about is Tennessee’s implied consent law. In addition to penalties for driving violations...

DUI Penalties & Fines
The state of Tennessee takes DUIs seriously. DUIs come with harsh mandatory sentences, stiff fines, and life-altering restrictions on your ability to drive. If you’ve been charged with a DUI,...

Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Limits in Tennessee
While on the surface BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) limits seems like a simple enough topic – get a DUI conviction if you’re over the limit, scot-free if you’re under –...

First Offense DUI in Tennessee
A first-time DUI offense in Tennessee is no small matter. While technically a misdemeanor in Tennessee, a DUI charge can come with a plethora of consequences, including: jail time, suspension...

Getting a DUI While on Prescribed Medication
Just because a doctor has issued a prescription for certain medications and it is legal to use and have possession of them does not necessarily mean it is legal to...

I Just Received a DUI. Now What Do I Do?
Have you recently been arrested for a DUI? If so, you might be wondering what is going to happen next. As you might already know, drinking and driving is considered...

Post Conviction Relief
If you or a loved one has been convicted in violation of the United States or the Tennessee Constitutions, we at Knox Defense may be able to help you. Courts...

Questions to Ask Your Criminal Defense Attorney
Facing criminal charges can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. Hiring a skilled criminal defense attorney is crucial to ensuring that your rights are protected and that you have the...

Tennessee DUI Laws
In the state of Tennessee, there are laws regarding driving under the influence or DUI. It’s important to know these laws if you are ever driving within the state after...

DUI Fact Sheet
As a driver in the state of Tennessee, it is important to know your rights if you are pulled over and suspected of driving while under the influence of alcohol...